The admissions procedure at Poornodaya is one that overcomes the barriers of social class, religion and financial standing. It is a process that seeks to educate the parents about the importance of such a system of education and curriculum and also gauge their receptiveness to the same. There are no traumatizing entrance exams for the students and no donations of any kind are accepted or sought as part of the admission process. The student strength per batch is 30. This ensures effective delivery of knowledge and wisdom among the students.

Application Form

    Date of Birth:

    Aadhar/Passport Number:

    Please submit three passport size photo’s, previous school TC & academic reports for transfer students, financial certificate of parents, a copy of Aadhar, a copy of Birth Certificate and detailed health certificate.

    I will submit the required information by the due date.
    If No, please explain.

    Admission Policy:

    Poornodaya Vidyanikethan is more than a school and so our policies are considered seriously.

    • No Donation & No Admission Fees.

    • No Entrance Tests for students.

    • Parent – Student relationship is one serious factor that will be taken into consideration.

    • Aadhar Card is mandatory as its our Government Rule.

    • A commitment to pay the School fees on regular installment basis is mandatory.

    • Three late payments would be marked with one negative and parent(s)/guardian(s) should meet the HM to give genuine explanation. Thrice negative marked would lead to the expulsion of the student.

    • Every applicant can fill the Scholarship Section along with the Admission Form, but scholarships will be awarded only after checking the income certificate.

    • We prefer to meet students personally and discuss their interests to give special preferences for each students curricular & extra curricular activities.

    • Counseling is a very important ingredient in Poornodaya Vidyanikethan to mould our students’ behaviour and performances from better to best.

    • We demand health certificate to ensure good health and to give at most individual care for each student.

    • Every student is eligible to apply for the scholarship and cases will be prioritised upon the eligibility.

    • We would encourage you to explore this option, for we feel it is easier for a child & parent(s)/ guardian(s) to make the transition to our school in a new environment if they have had the chance to visit our Campus first.

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