Olga PerevozkinaInternational Montessori School of RomePoornodaya is “a home away from home” where children will feel safe and loved!
Montessori means respecting children. Poornodaya respects the amazing work children are doing. Respect is a fundamental value in Poornodaya classroom. Their class is an environment where children and adults are treated with respect and dignity. Children who are treated in a respectful manner learn to respect themselves and treat others respectfully also. The teachers don’t simply tell children what to do instead , help them to reali s e what they want to do and how to do it. Because of this Poornodaya children become independent and confident of what they want in their life.
In addition to this the school provides activities such as dancing, yoga , cookery, eco-farming, specialized art disciplines. Poornodaya encourage art and music in the lives of children to ensure full cultural integration, an appreciation of art and an ability to express oneself artistically. Poornodaya philosophy is based on the understanding s such as young child’s development towards independence, intellectual and spiritual growth, language skills and physical coordination.
The creative and friendly atmosphere at Poornodaya and individual approach to each child creates all the prerequisites for the development of the full-fledged personality of a child, most importantly, the unquenchable interest in learning . The teachers at Poornodaya school are certified professionals and skilled in interacting your children with respect, tenderness, warm and patience. They are not only teachers but also good psychologists, tutors and mentors who masterfully will find the key to the soul of every child in Poornodaya !
The education at PoornodayaVidyanikethan is providing an excellent framework for child’s future success in life!
Dr Jacob K PPalghatIt had been indeed an immense pleasure to have visited this upcoming school recently. The management has put a tiring effort into its upbringing and excellent would be an understatement if you would ask me.The school focuses on the child”s development in every aspect and I am guaranteed that a child taught and brIt had been indeed an immense pleasure to have visited this upcoming school recently. The management has put a tiring effort into its upbringing and excellent would be an understatement if you would ask me.The school focuses on the child”s development in every aspect and I am guaranteed that a child taught and brought up here would come out as a COMPLETE individual not just on an educational level. But also skill wise and moral wise.I am glad also on the fact that it’s got an eco-friendly attribute to its infrastructure.I am also assured of the teaching quality of the faculty here who can be nothing short of a second mother to every child who attends here. I am indeed looking forward to the school”s full fledged functioning in the future with a number of smiling innocent faces!! ought up here would come out as a COMPLETE individual not just on an educational level. But also skill wise and moral wise.I am glad also on the fact that it’s got an eco friendly attribute to its infrastructure.I am also assured of the teaching quality of the faculty here who can be nothing short of a second mother to every child who attends here. I am indeed looking forward to the school”s full fledged functioning in the future with a number of smiling innocent faces!!
Dr Stacy WilsonRanniJust had a visit to this amazing to-be school and couldnt help but think how fortunate it is for our younger generations to have such an individual based teaching unlike our old system which was limited to wooden canes and mugging up of a syllabus laid down by generations(with due respect).The layout of the school focuses on being eco friendly and I am glad our kids are taught to embrace mother nature.The children are nurtured on every level to bring out the best in each one of the them and be at their .BEST to face the world out there.Its reassuring that they have a qualified teaching faculty well versed in every aspect of teaching.The whole environment is very secure in terms of safety for the children and the management is entirely aware of this responsibility. I am eagerly looking forward to seeing this school as THE best of its kind and can assure you it will be once it opens!!
Mrs. Masé DeMazzaInternational FacultyPoornodaaya Vidyanikethan is more than a school. It is a space, it is an atmosphere created for students to grow and explore in so many different aspects. They focus on holistic education and this is well seen all throughout the facilities in the school and the staff. I felt extremely welcomed from the first moment I arrived at the school. I experienced such a tolerating and accommodating environment during my stay there with every single staff member and of course with the children. The children are so loving and well educated. Your team, your space and the energy all around are real and you are all an inspiration for many. It is so great to see that the Montessori method is being implemented and children are taking benefit from this!
Ms. Chloe FignonInternational FacultyMon expérience à Purnodaya à été très enrichissante. J’ai pu tout d’abord donner des cours de yoga aux enfants, cela m’a beaucoup plu. D’autres volontaires avaient déjà mis en place des cours donc j’ai juste eu à garder ce cadre et pu ajouter mes idées. Cela m’a beaucoup aidé a prendre confiance et développer ma créativité concernant le yoga pour les enfants entre 3 et 7 ans. En observant les repas servis aux enfants j’ai identifié les lacunes nutritionnelles et pu en faire part aux responsables. Ils ont été très a l’écoute et ouvert à améliorer cela. J’ai mis en place un menu à la semaine et expliquer les points importants d’une alimentation végétarienne équilibré. Ils vont essayer de mettre cela en place pour la rentrée prochaine. La cuisinère est une femme super, elle a beaucoup de travail pour elle toute seule et ça a été un plaisir de l’aider dans la confection des repas. J’ai proposé une activité « energy ball », j’ai fais faire aux enfants un gouter sain a base de banane, raisins secs, cacahuètes, noix de cajou mélangés avec les mains et enrobé de noix de coco fraiche. Les responsables ont été enthousiaste par mon idée et m’ont donc permis de mettre en place cette activité. Cela a beaucoup plu aux enfants et j’ai pu en profiter pour parler de nutrition et faire « cuisiner » les enfants. L’environnement est très agréable, en pleine nature. Les enfants et enseignant sont adorables. C’est le début de cette aventure, Anish et Maya sont ouverts a de nouvelles idées donc c’est un super endroit pour mettre en place un projet du début jusqu’à la fin.
Mr. Mitchell DeMazzaInternational FacultyThe school is open to change, new ideas, and new techniques. Students nowadays need more intention than ever and with the rapid growth of technology, we need to get back to the basics and reconnect ourselves with nature. Poornodaaya Vidyanikethan is a place that focuses on those basic roots and develops a foundation for the children that will affect not only their future, but the future of their community and beyond. It was very inspiring to see such a dynamic group of people leading the students throughout the day with fresh ideas and positive energy. Poornodaaya Vidyanikethan should be an example for every school throughout India and abroad.
Ms. Kaylee DavidsonInternational FacultyPoornodaya Vidyanikethan is tucked away about 2 hours from Kochi, completely enveloped in nature. The children and staff here are so lovely. I was helping the teachers in the classroom with art, music, dance, and general English learning. I also helped the eldest (aged 7) children practice some English spelling and grammar. Anish and Maya are full of wonderful ideas and try to funnel those through the volunteers, where they can put their “cultural” spin on it. The school grounds are surrounded by beautiful large trees and houses many areas for the children to explore and be one with nature. It’s important for this to be an integrated part of their daily lives. The connection with nature is one of Anish’s core values to the institution and these children will create such beautiful memories and learning experiences when this stays true. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of these wonderful beings lives and thank you for showing me an AMAZING part of Kerala!!
Ms. Elisia DelainiInternational FacultySomewhere in Kerala, amidst greenery and perfectly integrated with nature, a new school is born: Poornodaya Vidyanikethan. To me, it isn’t just any school. As I approached, I noticed the playground made of recycle material, children happily singing, dancing and “playing” yoga. Beautiful artwork hanging in the bright and free classrooms. My first thought was “I wish I was one of those children!”
PV is an educational institution that focuses on the all-round development of the child, giving equal emphasis on intellectual, emotional, physical, creative and spiritual growth. Such an avant-garde experiment is not coming from a big city, or a rich community, but from a simple village in Kerala. Showing that change for the better and development is an universal, connected phenomenon that can sprout anywhere, anytime, in any condition.
Holistic education here is lived and implemented naturally and openly, with the contribution of a dedicated international group of volunteers that are welcome with open arms by the founders of the school, the teachers and the children. It aims at including in its vibrancy the whole community around it, creating connections within the local reality where it operates. The school embraces a set of universal human values and ethics, where diversity is seen as an opportunity for enrichment and growth.
I feel very grateful that I came across this project and I could be (and still am, as a family member who is traveling far away) part of it. I hope to see it flourish and make connections to similar realities all over the world. Thank you for this opportunity!
Mr. Josh LaurenceInternational FacultyPoornodaya Vidyanikethan is an exciting, vibrant and forward-thinking school which offers a more holistic approach to education, helping children to question, to learn and to grow. The school has a strong belief that children learn best in an environment where they have the freedom to be inquisitive and to be inspired by the world around them. The school’s focus on ecology instils early in the children an appreciation for the world around us and of the need to protect it. All of this is made possible through the incredible dedication and enthusiasm of the teachers who really strive to nurture the development of each individual at the school.
Ms. Lucy CroweInternational FacultyI have been lucky enough to have the opportunity to spend just over 3 weeks at Poornodaya Vidyanikethan. From the moment I arrived I felt a warm welcome from all the PV family and could instantly see that this is a very special project surrounded by nature in the Keralan countryside
The teachers, cook, maintenance, housekeeping and administration staff are all incredibly welcoming and warm people who have created a very positive and encouraging environment for the children to learn in.
I have spent my time here organising daily workshops with the teachers to improve their understanding of English language and have absolutely LOVED every minute that I have spent in the classroom getting to know each beautiful individual.
I really admire the school for encouraging the education of not only the students, but also the teachers and wider staff – truly creating an encouraging learning environment.
I feel extremely privileged to have had the opportunity to get to know the teachers over the last few weeks and have genuinely really enjoyed all of our chats!
This has been a truly inspiring and uplifting experience in a very special place. I am so lucky to have had the opportunity to participate in this holistic education project which has opened my eyes to the benefits to an alternative approach to education.
Ms. Isabel AmadorInternational FacultyUn Workaway que vale la pena conocer. El Universo nos lo puso en nuestro camino como por arte de magia. Contactamos con Anish, el director de la escuela, y nos abrió sus puertas. Los profesores tienen una humanidad increíble; el recinto escolar es maravilloso, al aire libre y rodeado de naturaleza y; qué decir de los pequeños estudiantes, un amor. Sin duda, un gran lugar para pasar una temporada y conocer otra parte de la cultura y de la educación India.
Mr. Shine JosephPoornodaya Vidyanikethan (PV) is a great initiative and an upcoming model institution. As a parent of a first standard student of PV, I am glad that my son is having ample personal attention and independent care at school. This is his second year at PV. The school provides students frequently with small creative projects and outdoor as well as in-door activities, which makes them to learn something new and having fun at the same time. Every day when my son return home after school, it’s very rewarding to hear from him about the thrilling activities of the day. I believe that the schooling philosophy PV is trying to promote, a holistic approach, which would facilitate nature-oriented learning extend towards identifying and promoting independent skills of students. The school administration is also taking the initiative to bring resource persons from foreign countries to interact with students regularly. I think this opportunity help students to learn language, improve social skills and get familiar with different way of life, altogether have a diverse cultural perspective.I would be very glad to mention the fact that the school management, teachers and staff are very supportive, friendly and comfortable in all respects.
Overall my kid is very enthusiastic to attend school every day, honestly that’s pretty much I want for him at this stage.
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